1. Character name:
2. Class, spec and Level:
Hunter Survival/Marksmanship 100
3. Raid experience:
Raided off and on since Vanilla.
4. Armory link:
us.battle.net/wow/en/character/perenolde/Dock/advanced5. Do you have any alts you wish to join the guild if so list:
Lots of alts, but not right now.
6. How did you hear about I Raid Alone?
You guys are kind of everywhere.
7. Current / Previous Guilds:
Previous guild was GODS ÕF WAR. Joined them sometime in 2014. Don't remember previous guilds.
8. Reason for leaving your current and previous guilds?
It got to the point that I was pretty much the only active member in the guild.
9. Members from previous guilds that would recommend you?
Mavrickk if he's still there.
10. Why do you want to join I Raid Alone?
I'd like to get back into raiding, and hanging out with other people.
11. Are you available for our raid times?
It fluctuates a little based on wife agro, but I'm available on most of the raid nights.
12. Do you know any current I raid Alone Members?
I don't think so
13. Age:
I turn 40 this year.
14. Tell us a little about yourself:
I'm a Software Architect that's Married with 5 (mostly wonderful) children. I haven't been in an active guild in so long that I don't really know many people anymore thanks to LFG/LFR. I'd like to be in a active guild again so I don't lose any more of my mind.