Post by Kynbana on Oct 18, 2016 1:33:11 GMT -5
1. Character name: Kynbana2. Class, spec and Level: Druid, Restoration, 110 3. Raid experience: Most of my experience was healing heroic raid content during wotlk. Have done a little raiding each expansion since but nothing significant. Mainly just 5 man content due to lack of active players.4. Armory link: us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cairne/Kynbana/simple5. Do you have any alts you wish to join the guild if so list: Not at the moment6. How did you hear about I Raid Alone? Guild finder7. Current / Previous Guilds: eXtreme vindicators, the evil empire8. Reason for leaving your current and previous guilds? inactivity9. Members from previous guilds that would recommend you? Akbeast10. Why do you want to join I Raid Alone? To get back into raiding and have more people to play with.11. Are you available for our raid times? Yes I'm fairly flexible, weekdays are good for me since I work weekend shift.12. Do you know any current I raid Alone Members?
Not that I am aware of.13. Age: 3114. Tell us a little about yourself: Been playing since 2008. Have leveled many characters but have mained resto/moonkin for the majority. Excited to be part of an active guild once again.